Self Sufficiency Meets Opportunity

University of Utah School of Dentistry and Internationl Rescue Committee are working together to provide free dental treatment for refugees resettled in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Spotlight: University of Utah & IRC

The University of Utah and International Rescue Committee have come together to create a program to provide ongoing dental health for newly relocated refugees. While most free dental services are limited for refugees, the university and the IRC are taking steps to ensure that the patients, seen by third and fourth year students, schedule their own appointments and maintain their continued dental healthcare. The IRC counsels the dental students on how to communicate and treat the refugees. The university works with the refugees to figure out how to get to the clinic and receive the care they need.

This thoughtful approach has a deeper and more lasting effect on all those involved; students become experienced professionals with the humanitarian gifts they need to be successful healthcare providers and refugees attain skills to be self sufficient in a new community within a new country; definitely a win-win solution that inspires a Glad To Be Here feeling in us.

International Rescue Committee

The IRC does a tremendous job not only by making in the difference in the lives of refugees from around the world, but also educating and reversing misinformation perpetuated by different groups in the United States. Check out this list of seven common myths about refugee resettlement.


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Support International Rescue Committee

Learn more about International Rescue Committee (IRC) and their commitment to welcoming some of the most persecuted people in the world to the United States and providing new hope.