News, stories, and people who inspire a true “Glad To Be Here” feeling in us
Answers from the Sun
Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu is a journalist turned entrepreneur whose solar powered cold storage has saved over 20,000 tons of food from spoilage, increased user income, and created new jobs.
Shelter on the Go
Ways to Help Right Now
One of the best ways to feel better when uncertainty and helplessness sets in is to help others. That can be through donating goods, money, or your time. We love this list of options that put together. Take a look and see what others are doing to help out and get inspired!

Food for the Soul

Who Run the World
In a nation so small that most people don’t know of its existence, Somaliland women are fighting to be seen as complete, multi-dimensional human beings and proving that being a Somali, a devout Muslim, and a woman athlete, all at once, is not a contradiction, but an option.

A Healthy Social Network
The key to a longer and healthier life? The friends you keep! Research shows that the people you surround yourself can influence your health, longevity, and mental health more than almost any other factor in your life. For centuries, cultures known for their longevity have put this theory to practice.

Food Rescue

How to Change the World
Melinda Gates has run some of the most effective philanthropic organizations in the world during the past couple of decades. Through trial and error and by finding her own voice, she is trailblazing a path to champion women empowerment – a change she claims that can do more to improve the state of the world than anything else.

Got a minute?
A lack of time is one of the biggest obstacles people face when adopting a meditiation practice. So, news anchor/podcaster/family man Dan Harris created an app offering meditations lasting from one minute and up and suggests grabbing snippets here and there throughout the day.

Nuns and Nones
The idea sounds more outlandish than its reality. A bunch of mostly “unreligious” millenials hoping to learn from radical activists developed a program to learn and live amongst some of the most radical social justice gamechangers in history: Catholic nuns. The interactions between these two seemingly disparate groups were inspiring and surprising.

Life Lessons
Homeless and without a family to turn to, a 20 year-old turned to the one person in his life who was always there for him, his eighth grade teacher. Together with her husband and family, they made plans to turn around this young man’s life. After getting his feet back on the ground, he’s now paying it forward with his own vision to help others.

Sensing Sentience
More and more evidence is revealing that animals have feelings for their own and other species and that is affecting how certain industries and people are treating our fellow creatures.

Investing in Equality
Adobe invested two years of monitoring, investigating and adjusting to achieve pay parity amongst their employees. “Adobe for All” is the company’s inspiring belief that their success stems from the rich diversity of their employees – and should be rewarded equally.

For Good
Instead of succumbing to the darkness of negative news, Mary Latham took to the road to find positive news to spread by documenting acts of kindness across all 50 states.

Taking Charge over Change
This high schooler’s life took a 180 turn after moving to America from Afghanistan. After recovering from extreme culture shock, Abdul Bari refused to be seen as an outsider. Instead he founded and became president of his school’s robotics team boasting a member roster of other immigrant students.

Waves of Emotion
For the past twelve years, Tinney Davidson has warmly greeted each student who walked past her house to the high school nearby. What started as a fun hobby turned into a tradition that touched the lives of hundreds of children. Their last wave is one of the brightest examples of the impact simple acts of kindness can have on others.

Planting Seeds for Healing
Bio Carbon Engineering and non-profit Worldview International are working together to use drones to replant mangrove saplings in Myanmar. Six months after starting, the saplings have grown 20 inches and with the power of ten drones that can plant up to 400,000 trees a day, their work may lead to revitalzing degraded land across the globe!

There is no doubt that digital gaming affects growing minds. In a positive move, Center for Healthy Minds at University Wisconsin-Madison has found that “Crystals of Kaydor”, a video game requiring players to cooperate in order to win, forged greater connectivity in brain networks related to empathy and emotion regulation. Score!

Miles of Generosity and Spirit
For the past five years, Peter Shankman has donated 200,000 airline miles to people who can’t afford to be with loved ones or sick family members for the holidays. Now others are joining his lead, inspiring joy and togetherness in the true spirit of the holidays.

The Power of Pups + People
We love this heartwarming solution that led to simultaneously raising morale within the Louisville Metro Police beat as well as within Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS). Pups on Patrol shows that with a little innovative thinking, positivity is powerful.

A Song of Unity
Gustavo Dudamel, fiery conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonica, has met both acclaim and criticism for his words and work on the world stage. We found inspiration in this New York Times article about what makes this impassioned inidividual’s heart sing and how we, as an increasingly divided nation, can take steps toward unity through music.

Tender Greens Provides Sustainable Opportunity
Restuaurant CEO, Mr. Oberholtzer, created Sustainable Life Project (SLP), an internship program at Tender Greens teaches culinary skills to young homeless people, many of whom have aged out of the foster care system. The program also offers a rare opportunity to earn full-time employment, self-esteem and a sense of community and care. In our eyes, it is nourishment for the soul!

illustration by Gracia Lam, property of The New York Times
What is Empathy Deficiency Disorder?
How can we make a true difference in raising the next generation? This New York Times article proposes how to identify and conquer empathy deficiency disorder, and find ways to instill empathy, kindness and proactive steps in our youth.

Lighting a Way
Sometimes during dark times we can find healing in the sparks of hope that follow. After the senseless anti-semitic shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Muslim Groups have raised thousands of dollars in support of the survivors, uniting in strength against religious hate.

Redefining “Must-See TV”
“The Good Place” just might be trying to do the impossible – and succeeding! A sitcom that not only goes for laughs, but an injection of morality – for all ages! This New York Times article takes you behind the scenes.

You Are Not Alone
Loneliness may be a better indicator of a short life and is more dangerous to your health than smoking fifteen cigarettes a day. It’s also an epidemic. Johann Hari has done the research and offers a solution to this very real social issue.

Three Ways to Avoid Stress and Work Better
When the going gets tough, the tough get…more aware! This article explores three simple ways to increase resilience, mental well-being and success in your business and personal life.

Caring: A New Global Currency?
Tania Singer, director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, puts forth the interesting supposition if caring and altruism can be learned and infused in our global economy. What would our world look like?

A Letter for the Rest of Us…
Sometimes across the vast sea of social media posts, a beautiful gem can leave you breathless and inspired. Samantha Wills left behind a short letter with a message to everyone still living.

Bringing Mindfulness to Manhattan – Mobilely!
We love the idea of bringing calm right to the people of one of the busiest cities in the world. New Yorkers can board this “mobile meditation studio” and grab 10 minutes of bliss for only $10

A Search for Refuge
While we are unbelievably fortunate to be truly grasp the meaning of the Glad To Be Here mindset, it is important to understand the plight of those who are without rights and a place to call home. Learn more about Myanmar’s Rohingya and what the world is doing to help.

The Long Route: Trucking to Metropolitan Opera
Tanner Clark’s journey from singing to truck driving to bounty hunting and back to fulfilling his destiny as an opera singer made our hearts soar like his strong tenor. Read his story at

Making a True Connection in a Disconnected Time
How much does nature (both physical and positive human interaction) impact our moods, actions and sense of well-being. We were inspired by research results at

Healing Without Borders
For Syrian refugees in Greece, there is little relief. Acupuncturists Without Borders is taking action into their own hands, quite literally. We were touched by their selfless acts of kindness and healing.

The Secret Super Power Behind Your Smile
Want to know what your smile can do for you and for others? Read more at

Sharing Ancient Wisdom with the Future
We are awed by ACIP’s mission is to preserve important books of Indo-Tibetan civilization and ancient India, extensively working to find, restore and archive the ancient wisdom found within these priceless treasures. Their hope is to enrich the lives of all people around the world by making these books available to all, free of charge.
Watch How ACIP is enriching lives with treasures from the past

The Secret to Living Happily Ever After
Want to know the secret to everlasting love? It turns out that it’s not that complicated – or secret! Couples who demonstrate kindness and generosity of spirit to each other are role models of abundant and everlasting love. Read more at

Want to Make a Difference? Do you have one minute?
We absolutely loved the easy, quick suggestions on how you can fit some moments of giving to your day – and reap the rewards of feeling happier and more connected to others. All in a matter of seoconds. Read more at

Energy Boost for Life
Inspirational changes take place when energy is focused in the right direction. We were inspired by the idea that by combining physical fitness with a boosted mental, emotional and spiritual drive can quadruple your ability to achieve your goals sooner and more effectively. Read the whole article at

Mindfulness for Every Moment
Think that meditation and mindfulness has to be specialized time away from everyday tasks and activities? Think again. Every week the New York Times gives tips on how to incorporate mindfulness in every day activities – including checking your Facebook! Read more at

Common Faith for a Common Future
We were inspired by this story of two women who created a widespread sisterhood over shared faith and common histories instead of succumbing to divisiveness and expectation. Read more at

A Focus on Well Being
This article spoke to our sense of Glad To Be Here mindset with its emphasis on the good things that come from gratitude, empathy and other pro-social interactions. Read the whole article at

Discovering Seva
We love this beautiful lesson on bringing Seva into our busy lives, along with the reminder that when we give, the universe gives back to us in big and meaningful ways. You can learn more at

Mothers of Invention
We are truly inspired by this celebration of diversity and ingenuity by a huge corporation which focuses on female inventors and game-changers. Toyota puts the spotlight on women who pair invention with purpose who are effecting impressive global change.

Fields of Love
This sweet love story is an inspiring reminder that our paths to happiness are sometimes unexpected. Read the article at

Plan International
Graham Casden is a true and tested believer in the incredible impact a Plan International USA sponsor can make. Read all about Graham at

Mindset over Matter
Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck’s research on mindset reminds us that what we believe about ourselves isn’t just in our heads: it impacts our actions and accomplishments – how we face challenges and reach our goals. Read more at
Why We're Inspired to Give
Learn about why we wake up every day feeling "Glad To Be Here" and what inspired our own story behind the Glad To Be Here Foundation.